What are the 10 key benefits of forex trading? [2022]

The sole aim of forex trading is to make profits. Even in profit-making, there are various other benefits that forex trading opens you up to. Of a wide number of benefits, this piece covers 10 of the benefits of forex trading you should know in the year 2022.

First and foremost, what is forex trading? In simple terms, forex trading is the foreign exchange market. It is the buying and selling of currencies simultaneously. As it is often said, forex trading involves taking risks in predicting market movements, but it has lots of benefits too! Let’s consider some of the benefits you’d enjoy as a forex trader.

10 Key benefits of forex trading

Here is our comprehensive list of the top benefits and advantages of forex trading that many people are unaware of.

1. 24 hours active market hours

Depending on the currency pair you want to trade, you’re able to trade at your convenience at any time of the day within the 5 working days, i.e., Monday to Friday. This gives you a wider range of opportunities, and even flexibility in trading times.

2. Ability to leverage

One of the most alluring features of forex trading is the possibility to apply leverage, which enables you to build a huge trade position with a small initial deposit. Although the allowed leverage varies depending on where you trade on the globe. Nevertheless, it can raise your earnings, but it also has the reverse effect i.e. increasing the likelihood of losing money. Therefore, you must always carefully assess the suitable degree of leverage while using it.

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3. There is no geographical restriction

All thanks to technology, you can now understand the markets without sitting all day at a desk and staring at charts. Technology has made trading incredibly easy and convenient.

4. High Volatility

The sensitivity of the market is referred to as volatility. The market is shaped by a variety of factors. Some of these factors include geopolitics, economic stability, regulations, natural disasters, and trade agreements. Any one of these little changes might result in a significant shift in the market. These determinants result in significant rewards when the value of currencies rises. Traders, on the other hand, may suffer significant losses if the values fall.

5. Low trading cost

What delight is there in making a profit and still having a huge number of fees to clear off? To enable ease, forex brokers tend to clear every fee related to trading. Some of these fees include withdrawal fees, transfer fees, and exchange fees.

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6. You can start small with small trade sizes

The forex market is traded in a unit referred to as lots. “Lots is the standard unit used for measuring a transaction amount. There are various types of lot sizes, namely: standard lots (100,000 units), mini lots (10,000 units), micro lots (1,000 units), and nano lots (100 units). It is advisable for beginners in forex trading to trade micro-lots. Beginners tend to be strategically careful due to fear of loss, but trading micro lots will help them gain confidence over time. Then, with time, they’d be able to make larger investments that involve more risks. It is a way of gaining control over your risks till you’re confident enough to trade greater lots sizes.

7. Demo account

Before diving into forex trading properly, a demo account gives you trading experience by utilizing virtual funds on trial or demo accounts. This free trial account allows traders to “test run” various trading techniques and approaches without having to use real money. This also serves as a solid risk management plan.

8. Rising and falling prices both offer profit potential

Trading in a directed fashion on the currency market is not restricted to forex trading. If you consider a currency pair’s likelihood to appreciate, you may purchase it (also referred to as “going long“), and if you believe it will depreciate, you can sell it (also referred to as “going short”).

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9. High liquidity

An asset is said to be liquid if when purchased it does not affect the asset’s total price. The more a currency pair is traded, the higher its liquidity. Liquidity is crucial because it maintains the relative stability of pricing.

Forex is considered to have high liquidity because it is extremely challenging to influence prices in the currency market. After all, there are so many traders, even those who trade in significant amounts. For this reason, forex is regarded as having high liquidity.

10. Opportunity to gain masteries

The key to success is mastery. Jayyy forex academy masters mastery at its peak, ensuring you acquire the necessary knowledge for successful trading. We give you just the right amount of information to help you succeed in the trading world!

Learn the Art of Forex Trading

Do you want to know more about trading? Start your free five-day trial in any of our courses right now.

We have three powerful courses to get you started, regardless of your learning style. You can choose courses taught by real-world experts and learn at your own pace with Jayyy Forex Academy, which offers lifetime access on mobile and desktop. You’ll also learn the fundamentals of trading, other financial assets, advanced forex strategies, and much more. Learn more about Jayyy Forex Academy and get started right away.


The art of taking calculated risks is mastered by Jayyy Forex Academy. It makes sense to enter the forex market when you take the advantages into account. Forex trading is the way to go if you want to use leverage, have time freedom, learn something new, or get better at anything.

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